gadgets for audio, video, computer, photo & fun. reviews, views, thoughts & suggestions.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Apple TV

When digital entertainment came to computers in the form of the moving image, I kept wishing there was a way to watch it all in the lounge and on my TV. Whilst it was novel sitting on an office chair and staring at a 19" monitor, the lounge is where the experience belonged, but with the ability of having the media to hand and in one library.
Whilst the Apple TV isn't the first media streamer on the market, in my opinion its by far the most elegant. I've tried streaming movies and music from my iMac to my Sony PS3 and have looked into other manufacturer's systems, but for me, the Apple TV wins hands down.
One of its biggest strengths, also an initial weakness, is iTunes. Its a weakness because any media which you want to be streamed, or stored on the unit has to be iTunes friendly. This means that for both music and video, you need to make sure that you're using the correct file types and also correct codecs and settings.
This initial limitation actually works to your favour though when you realise how smooth, simple, elegant and solid the experience becomes. Everything just works.
The iTunes store, whilst in my opinion generally over-priced for films, is very easy and swift in use. Browsing the huge library is a piece of cake and renting or buying films is extremely straight forward. Hooked up to a 20Mb VirginMedia cable broadband, I can begin watching films in no time.
I went for the 160Gb version as I wanted to store a lot of content on the unit itself. This became invaluable when following an operation I spent a couple of weeks recuperating at my parents. I had my music and videos with me and to hand. The unit itself is so small (under 20cm x 20cm x 3cm) that transporting it is not an issue and with just an HDMI cable and a mains cable, its simple and quick to hook up.
A quick word on the remote control; its tiny! The designers definitely followed the "less is more" approach. However, even with its petite size and few buttons, it gives you full control over the Apple TV.
I have it hooked up to a Sony SDR 2400ES AV amplifier and it pumps out beautiful crisp  Dolby 5.1 digital audio. Married to its crystal clear 1080p full HD output, its a stunning performer. Viewing films on a 46" plasma is an absolute joy. I definitely recommend you give it a try. Genius.